The present document constitutes the deliverable D5.1: “Analysis and consolidation of requirements for communication and data infrastructure” in the framework of the SPIRE project entitled “Optimization and performance improving in metal industry by digital technologies” (Project Acronym: INEVITABLE; Grant agreement no.: 869815).

The main objective of D5.1 was to achieve a set of UCs related requirements for the communication and data infrastructure. The methodology for setting requirements included initial synchronization and familiarization with each use case, analysis and consolidation of the results, as well as the process of their ongoing iterative validation in relation to all three use cases and data gathered in previous WP’s. The method allowed us to treat different use cases as uniformly and standardized as possible.

Resulting requirements will help partners implementing tasks within WP2-WP4 to align existing UC specific technology with infrastructure best practices, concepts and capabilities. The requirements take into account data capture, storage and final implementation of the solution developed within WP3-WP4 and implemented within WP7-WP9.