The present document constitutes the deliverable D5.3: “Preparation of design principles for the data infrastructure”.
The main objective of T5.3 was to prepare general design principles for the data infrastructure, based on the identified UC requirements and incorporating relevant industry standards as well as frameworks. The methodology for the preparation of the design principles considered the outcome of the final deliverables from tasks in WP2-WP4, their alignment with relevant experience in data infrastructure design and with the standards governing the industrial communication security as well as process of periodic validation in relation to all three use cases.
Resulting design principles will help partners implementing tasks within WP2-WP4 to align existing UC specific enabling technologies with industrial communication best practices, concepts, and capabilities. The document considers final requirements of the solutions developed within WP2-WP4 and planned for implementation within WP7-WP9, and its contents are complemented by D5.2: “Preparation of design principles for the communication infrastructure”.