End of March, the INEVITABLE project completed the second of three reporting periods and together with the EC, we organized a second review meeting on 6th of May. The progress made so far was evaluated and reviewed
At the meeting, European Commission’s project officer Mrs. Lauritano and external evaluator prof. dr. Lioy were informed of the project work plan, objectives and deliverables to date. In addition, the consortium partners and the leaders of each work package detailed how all project resources have been planned to date in parallel with the progress achieved so far.
While the project in the 1st reporting period was mainly aimed at defining requirements and specifications and preparing activities for the digital upgrade of production processes, activities in the second period focused more on the analysis of production data and the development and adaptation of the necessary cognitive solutions, i.e. the implementation of digital technologies. The project is currently working on the final deployment of the developed technical solutions and their validation in the production environment. In general, the work in the project is progressing well and most of the objectives were achieved during the reporting period.